Thursday, July 30, 2015

Why Doesn't Soccer Hooliganism Exist in the USA?

Click here to read a interesting article on why Soccer Hooliganism doesn't exist in the USA.  This is all opinion based, but there are significant factors that may contribute to the lack of hooliganism in American Soccer.  After reading this article I definitely feel the third point made is the most significant, and that is patriotism.  The fact that America above all else is is illustrated with the playing of the national anthem, plays a big role.  Another factor that wasn't mentioned is the fact that soccer was not created in the United States, it's a sport that other countries had before the United State adopted it.  It's homegrown in other countries.  In Europe you grew up playing soccer and maybe basketball.  In the United States people grew up playing baseball and eventually basketball if they even played sports.  Obviously, American Football was adopted here so that's why I feel you see more acts of Hooliganism in the Unites States across those sports than in soccer. 

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