Monday, July 27, 2015

Is There A Difference Between a Firm and a Ultra?

Many teams throughout Europe have what they call "firms" or "ultras". Although both are linked to hooliganism, both are completely different kinds of groups. Hooliganism can be linked to disorderly, aggressive, and violent behavior in the stands and around the stadium during soccer matches. Many observers see mass chaos when looking in the stands at a soccer game but don't know there is two different kinds of groups that these fans can be classified as.

This is an example of a firm:
A firm is a group of fans that often express disorderly, aggressive, and violent behavior. These groups are the ones who are starting riots and brawls outside the stadium with opposing fans because......... well because they just root for the wrong team. There is no real reason why firms become violent other than they have a disdain for others who don't root for their team. What is wild about firms is that some schedule organized fights before or after games because...... well because they just don't like each other based on who they root for. Crazy and insane, I know. Many of these firms feel that these fights are an important part of the sport. Why do they feel this way? Nobody knows but whatever floats their boat.
This is an example of an ultra:
Ultras are the crazy fanatics that drive opponents crazy because they are just annoying. These fans are wild, disorderly, and aggressive but they do not cause physical harm to anybody. They are pretty much what you look for when you are looking for a student section if you go to a college (minus the flares). Ultras are the type of fan base that have organized chants, sing songs together, have themed games like blueouts or Jimmy Buffet nights. You want to be around ultras. You do not have to worry about your well being when being around ultras. 
I would be a fan of attending games with ultras. Attending games with firms.......... man this couch is comfy. 

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